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                          FACT ABOUT ..........

1.  The Harley Davidson Company started in 1901 when William S Harley, Walter Davidson and Arthur Davidson engineered their first motorcycle in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA.

2.  The first Harley Davidson Motorcycle only had a very small engine (116 cc) and still had pedals (in a bicycle frame)
2. Henry Meyer was the first customer of the Harley bike in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA.

3. In 1904, C.H.Lang from Chicago, was the first Harley Davidson dealer.

4. 1905, the Harley motorcycle won a race for the first time. The bike was built to be a racer.This was also the time when the first Harley Davidson full time employee was hired in Milwaukee.

5. In 1906, a bigger factory for the HD was constructed on Juneau Ave with now 6 full time employees. The name “Silent Gray Fellow” was launched for the first time depicting the color and the silent engine of the motorcycle.

6. The first woman to ride a Harley was Janet Davidson; however it was not confirmed if the motor was running though. Janet is an aunt of the Davidson boys and helped out with pin striping and painting the letters on the motorcycles. Speculation is, one way or the other she climbed onto one of the firsts Harleys making her the first ever woman to ride one.

7. In 1909, Harley Davidson introduced its legendary first V-twin powered motorcycle.

8. The founder of Forbes magazine Malcolm Forbes one of the wealthiest men, began riding Harley Davidson motorcycles at the age of 40 and has loved it ever since. He was so fond of Harleys that he gave them as gifts to friends besides having 50 of his own.

8. 1998 Manaus, Brazil is the first HD assembly operations off USA shores.


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